Thursday, November 29, 2007

boys boys boys

Boys, boys, boys...when a girl goes out of her way to tell you how she feels, two things are VERY important:

1. Don't leave her hanging. You are in no way obligated to fake having the same feelings in return. In fact please, don't fake anything. However, no response and vague response, are really lame options that technically, shouldn't even be options.

2. Don't set her up--uninformed--to watch you fawn over another girl, or watch other girls fawn over you. It's not all...ever. Be honest and respectful. Everyone deserves a FULLY INFORMED, OPTION TO CHOOSE whether or not they want to be involved in such a situation.

Who knows, maybe it'll work out in your favor. Maybe it won't. Regardless, it'll save everyone a lot of heartache and unnecessary emotional drama. It's lame to lie, omit or mislead in any way. Get a clue and a backbone, and a little integrity. I promise, it'll get you a lot further than your creepy Casenova act--which by the way, is impressing you a lot more that it's impressing her.

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