This tour season has been amazing. Intense. Bizarre. Overwhelming. Rewarding and downright fucking frustrating to the point of tears. Had one guest get hit by a car, another send himself over his handlebars and take out three front teeth. One endo'd headfirst into a rocky creek bottom and wound up w/ an airlift out of a national park. Someone else had to receive the horrible news from our office, of a baby nephew being hit and killed by a car..and that's just the guests! Entire town water pump systems quit working, trailer brakes locked up, motorcyclists collided w/ company vehicles while I was driving them...I mean seriously! What the f*%@?
How-eva, I truly believe this last weekend alone, set all planets and Universal imbalance, back into alignment. Please view:
This was a two day event: day one has the boys in blue, grease monkey suits, and day two in KISS makeup and yes, those are leather pants. We all crawled out of bed Saturday, to make the three hour drive to Estacada, just southeast of Portland, where the first annual Cyclocross World Championships were held. Pictures tell the story so much better than words, but suffice it to say we walked away w/ a pile of hand-made cowbells (which are an entire mass-email story and prayer session in themselves), a carbon crank set, at least half a dozen lovely pint glasses, countless kisses, cycle shwag and a fan club to make your heart melt. I think I have found my calling in life: groupie and cheerleader extraordinaire...though I may have to shed a few layers and show some T&A, if I want to get serious about this. I didn't sleep the night before heading down, due to a painting job I had agreed to. Needless to say, I was high on fumes and sleep deprivation BEFORE partying all day, all night and all day again. SO. MUCH. FUN.
This easily ranks as one of the best events I have ever attended, and further more, wreaked havoc upon. I am so sad to say that I am now leaving some of the most incredible people I have come to know and proudly call my friends and family, to play in Montana for the winter. Montana is where my immediate family resides, and while I so look forward to actually spending time with them again, I am sad to be leaving this incredibly brilliant, juvenile lifestyle and the pack of instigators I call my friends. These people fuel my love of mischief, adventure and life in general.
Then, I sign onto a severely neglected blog, only to find more amazing friends and family members have been tending to the madness that is my life, in the form of late night ranting sessions and verbal explosions of momentary frustration a.k.a. my blog. I LOVE YOU ALL.
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