Sunday, January 14, 2007

back in black

Oh the inevitable distraction of life...and Bangkok. Here I am: BKK day 5 or 6 and for lack of a better description, back on track. I needed the curry to settle into my veins, have a couple conversations w/ Rainbow Gathering hippies ( to remind me what I did NOT come here to do) and a swift kick in the ass from my new Dutch Guardian Angels to gently remove head from ass...but really, what's another day in Bangkok?...Ha! How about: F-ing hot, F-ing insane and what the F just happened to the $200 I exchanged last night?! It's amazing how much money you can spend when it's all "So CHEAP!"

So, after much talk and deliberation, India has officially been cleared from the slate. I am reverting back to my original plan and cycling S.E. Asia.

The next couple of weeks I plan to fly into Chang Mai w/ friends and then to Mayanmar. We will travel for a week or so together before I return to BKK and begin my own adventures. I am so nervous and excited to start, it's torturous to put it all off for anything, but it's worth it to be with good friends and gives me a chance to consider my route and pull together last minute visas, toilet paper and antibiotics for any number of fabulous bacterial infections I could opt to experience along the way (Mom, don't freak out. I promise not to take them lightly or as candy...they aren't even rainbow colors or tasty like Advil).

For those of you that I didn't say goodbye to or inform of my plans...oops. Surprise! I'm in Asia for the next 3 and a half months! I keep meaning to get this blog thing up and running, give a little low down on the trip getting here. Mostly, to tell the tale of my train nailing a pedestrian, not 20 miles S. of Seattle. Perhaps not a good omen, but certainly a good story. Upon arrival, landed a great hostel, Shanti Lodge, thanks to Christian, flicked curry (chili oil) in my eye while attempting to consume a shrimp, sans flicking tail...f-ing oooooouch. Celebrated my birthday w/ new found and fabulous Canadian friend from the hostel, drinking Chang (gag), watching the Thai kids breakdance in the park (someday I will too), and then jamming out to Thai house music at a local dance club. All in all, fairly painless and void of hangover...fairly. Now my friends w/ child are in town, so I am on good behavior and assuming Antie status. Yesterday, sqared away the bike situation, still waiting to finalize a couple of things, and then I am off and running!

For any of you who might have been wondering, Bangkok is actually quite well equipped w/ bike shops and gear. Depending on what you are looking for, there are definitely better and worse places to go, but cycling is alive and well here. I would absolutely consider NOT bringing my own bike and doing exactly what I am doing, all over again. I might miss my bike shoes, peddals and saddle. Other than that, it's all here and it's affordable. Knowing what you want and getting it is the trick...thank God for Guardian Angels. Mind you, having the bike is one thing. Check in a month and let's see what I have to say about my trusty steed then.

For now, I hope you are all well and loving life. Feel free to e-mail me directly or respond to any blog at your own leisure. However, please keep in mind that we here at Even on A.M. like to maintain a family friendly atmosphere. Please refrain from drunk-blogging and any other inappropriate display of uncensored material. You will find only the purest of thoughts and intentions on this site. We ask that you share the same. I love the internet...and I love you. Yes, all of you. Holy shit, I just wrote a blog entry. Eeeeeeek!


Anonymous said...

You wild woman.

Isn't technology awesome! You and the Drew/KG crew, riding in SE Asia. How cool is that!

So old married folk like me can vicariously through your writing.

So have a great time. Update when possible.

One question though, who are the Dutch Gaurdian Angels?

I also like the reassurances to mom. Nice touch.

Have Fun, Be Safe.


Unknown said...


Hey there sister. Sounds like all is well...and exciting!

Kevin and I are having a big weekend at home: shampooing carpets and watching football.

Tonight is the really big time however -- Taladega Nights and Chinese from Jade Garden...yummy!

The legislative session is underway so I stay home as much as possible, it doesn't help that it has been about 1 degree for the past week.

Anyway, miss you oodles of noodles already - but am super excited for your adventure!!!

Best thing since pom pom socks!!! LOVE xxx ooo

Sarah (Tebin and Biggie)

p.s. Left you a email re: a piece of mail.

Brittany Tull said...

hey there!! this i s your cousin Brittany Tull!!!Well hows everything been going?!?!?Everythings fine here!Susans good terrys up and kicken!!Im 13 now ill be 14 in march!!Im in 8th grade and i hate it lol!!Well how have you been i havent seen you since i was 7 and thats forever!!Well if you have a myspace look me up at well i guess ill tty l8ter p.s when are you comming to see me?!?!? Love ya!bunches:)